In addition to our planning and coordinating of your Wedding day, we have a LOVE for well curated European & vintage items that we offer as rentals to enhance the décor of your event, such as:
LoveBanners PhotoboothSign MarbleGoldTableForCake HangingChandelier LemonadeCarts LoveBooks Mr&MrsPillows VintageLouisVuittonSuitcasesAndTrunksForPro CakePlatters JustMarriedSigns CouchesInDifferentsColors&Stiles ThankYouSigns LoveSigns BirdCages CeremonySigns GoldGildedMirrors FineLinensInSequins CustomChalkboards FineVintageChina&GlasswareInMixesPatterns ChairsInDifferentStyles FrenchChampagneBuckets